Discount codes for ESSKA membership – valid for full members and residents


Dear AGA Members,

I would like to remind you that our society is an affiliated society of ESSKA - the European Society of Sports Traumatology, Knee Surgery and Arthroscopy (

Because of our affiliation, ESSKA continues to offer our members who are also ‘Full’ ESSKA members (qualified medical doctors in professional practice) an annual 20 EUR discount on their ESSKA fees*.

Residents of our society can also benefit from a discount of 10 EUR on their ESSKA annual membership fee as well.

Additionally, you can receive even further savings when paying for your 2025 AND 2026 membership at the same time. Complete details can be found on the ESSKA website.

The discount codes are valid as of 1 October 2024 for both renewing and new ESSKA members.

To benefit from these offers act as follows:

For those who are already members of ESSKA: go to, sign-in to your profile to renew your membership and quote our affiliation discount code (For Full Members: 2025.AGA.3Q; For Residents: 2025.AGA.RES) when making payment.

For those of you who would like to join ESSKA: Complete now the online application form on ESSKA’s website under “Membership / Become an ESSKA member” and quote our affiliation discount code (For Full Members: 2025.AGA.3Q; For Residents: 2025.AGA.RES) when making payment.

Don’t forget: you can receive even further savings when paying for two years!

If you have any questions, please contact the ESSKA office either by email ( or by phone (+352 4411 7015).


Kind regards,
ESSKA office
phone (+352 4411 7015).

*PLEASE NOTE: This offer does not apply to physiotherapists and scientists, only to the Full ESSKA membership type.


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